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A lagniappe (play /ˈlænjæp/ LAN-yap) is a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase (such as a 13th doughnut when buying a dozen), or more broadly, "something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure".


The Lagniappe Film and Music Festival (LFMF) is the premiere yearly entertainment event in Southeast Texas. We provide more bands, more film and way more lagniappe (lan yap) than you have ever experienced. LFMF is dedicated to the discovery and advancement of the very best independent films and musicians from around the world.​


At LFMF we promote the storyteller. Whether it’s through the medium of the screenplay, poetry, images, film, or music, we believe these stories, ideas, and concepts need and deserve the embrace and exposure LFMF offers. Storytellers' ideas have no barriers - they are universal stories told through the unique filter of man. Some make us laugh and some make us cry. We are moved to dance and sing or to sit quietly and let the sights and sounds envelop us in their stories. But in the end, the storyteller is our guide, and we are privileged to be included in their journey.


Lagniappe is excited to provide a unique combination of historic venues, state of the art theaters and outdoor stages. Our programming brings together diverse audiences and introduces them to original and innovative filmmakers, musicians and experiences.

Our Community

To talk about our area, its history and future would require volumes of text and days of storytelling. We are a community of artists, scientists, rice and timber barons, wildcatters who changed the world and teachers who nurture these talents. Songwriters, actors, astronauts and legislators have called us home. Thesehese people have gone out into the world and made a difference in their fields, but they always call the Golden Triangle home. We have honored their contributions with monuments and museums. However, the true honor to these people is the effort our citizens put forth to continue providing the environment which fosters our children's achievements.

Lagniappe would like to be a part of this ongoing tradition. Through our efforts we hope to provide our community with opportunities to experience films and musical events not typically shown in our area. We want to provide our attendees the chance to meet and discuss their projects with industry professionals.  We hope to educate, entertain and to continue the growth of the Golden Triangle on an international level.

So we invite you to come and join us for the Lagniappe Film and Music Festival. Why don't you find yourself one of the locals and sit for a story or take a tour of one of our world class museums while you are here. But most importantly come and join us for an incredible festival, the festival with a little extra.
We hope to see you this year so plan early and stay a little bit late because you never know when something extra is going to surprise you.


Here is a little extra information for your enjoyment



​February 28 - March 3, 2013​
Beaumont, Texas​


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